Friday, October 5, 2012

Alright Boys.... Feel Like A Woman... Then You Can Use the Girls Washroom!

There was a recent article in the Toronto Sun that tells of how the Toronto District School Board has passed a guideline that transgendered students can use whatever washroom they feel comfortable with.  So.... if you are a male, but feel like a female, then by all means use the female washroom.  No proof is needed... no doctor's note... nothing... just what you feel.  This is so these transgendered kids don't feel uncomfortable using the washroom for the gender they were born as.

Unbelieveable!  What about the students that still feel comfortable with the gender they were born as?  What about their rights?  Now they have to put up with males and in the female washrooms, and, females in the males washroom!  How comfortable are they going to feel.

The fact that there is no proof needed that you are a transgendered person, you can just imagine what is going to happen.  The comments on the Sun's web site already said it.  Statements that people wish this rule was around when they were in school are plentiful.  One guy stated he would have said anything to get into the girls bathroom.  Guess what... he probably was and is not alone.  I imagine there is a lot of males, and probably a few females, that are going to take advantage of this guideline, even though they are not transgendered.

The guideline also states that single bathrooms should be made available for students, should they not want to go into a multi-stall environment.  This would be the only move I could see that is viable and would work for all.

Again, powers that be take away the rights of one, to give to another.  When will we learn and stop this.  Any new rights should not be given to anyone if they take away existing rights from others.  Now kids that are not transgendered have a lot less privacy, choices, and rights, then they did before, thanks to the Provincial Government and the Toronto District School Board.

One other thing - the guidelines are the same for teachers at the Toronto District School Board.  Since teachers are allowed in student washrooms, you are looking at a whole other level of issues about safety and privacy for our children.  How many parents that have a daughter would want a male teacher that thinks he is woman, to share the washroom with their daughter.  Also, as mentioned by one commenter on the Sun web site, fears of pedophiles just got a whole lot bigger...


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bicycle Path of Disaster in Ajax, Ontario

I used to live in Ajax, Ontario up to about a year ago.  While there for some 20 years, I worked for the Town and also tried to get into politics.  In recent years bicycle paths were a contentious item.  The mayor and majority of his council wanted them, so they got them.  Residents that I talked to mostly didn't care or hated them.  There were those, mostly seniors, who did not like sharing the sidewalk with bicycle.

Recently I drove through Ajax and noticed a few things.  First, the city limit signs now say a "Bicycle Friendly Community" as well as mentioning a "Share the Road" organization.  I also noticed new painting of the paths.  If I were a parent of a child who rides a bike, or bicycllst, in the area I would be concerned.  Traditionally bicycle paths have been at the edge of the road with a line drawn from the curb, stating where the bikes should travel.  There was also at times a graphic with chevrons and a bike showing which way to go.

These new marking are frequently in the middle of the two road directions or in the middle of one direction!  Also, where the old paths looked like enough room for one bike, so you had to ride in a single file(which I believe is provincial law), now there are no lines!  Just a graphic that is wide enough for 3 or 4 bikes to ride beside each other.  With these new graphics and position, it's the bikes that aren't sharing the road and vehicle drivers are getting a lot less room to move around.  So theortically, young bikers may be inclined to ride beside each other while they are riding in the middle of roadways or farther out from the curb.  This is a recipe for disaster.  It will only take a split second for a collision when a driver and/or bike rider aren't paying attention.  Mark my words... accidents will happen... if they already haven't.

If you are going to spend the residents tax money on bike paths or lanes, what's wrong with sharing the sidewalk?  Widen them a bit if you have to.  Then, put a line dividing the sidewalk to let bikers now where they should go.  Wouldn't seem a lot safer?  Pedestrian and bike collisions would be a lot less tramatic then vehicle and bike collisions.  Not that anyone wants them to happen, but, mistakes do happen.

If I was running for council anywhere... and I am not... I would make "Share the Sidewalk" one of my campaign items.  "Share the Sidewalk" may save lives.

Rob MacArthur

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tim Horton's Not Being Supportive of Your Health or the Environment

First of all, let me state that I am a good Tim Horton's customer.  I frequent their getting coffee, breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  But lately their have been a few things that have been bugging me about this Canadian Institution.

First of all, the way Tim Horton's assigns staff does not speak well of their support of our health and the environment.  In most of the Tim Horton's I have been to, and I have been to a lot, they usually schedule at least double the employees on the drive thru then they do on the inside to handle walkin customers.  This tells customers that it is better to be in the drive thru line then walking into establishment.  This is bad for your health as at least walking in would stretch your muscles and give you some exercise.  This is bad for the environment as you have all those vehicles with their engines running.  Would it not be much better to entice customers to park and turn off their car and walk in to get whatever they want?  Schedule more staff for the walk in customers and less for the drive thru.  If drivers end up waiting to long in the drive thru, they may actually help their health and the environment by parking their car and going on.

The second thing that bugs me about Tim Hortons is Christmas time.  Like so many other businesses they don't have Merry Christmas in their stores for the most part.  They usually wimp out by saying Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings... or... by saying nothing at all.  This is Canada...  They are Canadian... Say at least Merry Christmas...  Better yet... put all the different greetings up.  But our heritage is Merry Christmas.  I am sure if Tim Horton was alive today, he would agree.  There has been some movement in recent years in North America to boycott stores of the Christmas Holidays that don't display at least Merry Christmas.

Finally... the addition of Ice Cream.  I know they piloted the coldstone ice cream in the States.  But, it would have been nice if they gave a chance to a Canadian Ice Cream vendor to have the opportunity in Canada to go into the Canadian Tim Horton's.   If you are Canadian... Support Canadian.

Think about it Tim Horton's.... Keep the Canadian Way... Tim would have wanted it that way...


Monday, July 30, 2012

Whitby Rotary Ribfest Lightening Incident

I was doing the sound at the Whitby Rotary Ribfest when the lightening bolt struck and injured a number of people.  Luckily no one was hurt.  I just had to right this Thunder Rolls Parody based on the incident though.  Visit my band at

Here's the parody -


Friday, July 20, 2012

Toronto Mayor Ford Wants to Pass His Gun Problem on to Other Areas and a Possible Solution

I could not believe what I heard when Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was talking about the recent gun shooting in Scarborough, as well as the gun problem as a whole in Toronto...  He wants to kick them all out of Town....  Never mind trying to deal with the problem by stricter laws and such... he just wants to pass on his problem to other municipalities.  Durham Region already has the negative side of Scarborough moving in to Pickering and Ajax.. but now apparently Mayor Ford wants anyone that has and uses an illegal fire arm, to go to Durham Region, and other municipalities, and let that municipality deal with his problem.

More politicians just passing on the buck again...

Why does he not work with Provincial and Federal Government reps and do something like this...

  1. There is no such thing as a young offender when it comes to illegal firearms and weapons.
  2. All penalties are for full duration.  No early release - No Probation.
  3. Possession of an illegal firearm or weapon - First Offense: 5 Years - Second Offense: 10 Years - Third and Subsequent Offense: 20 Years
  4. Use of an illegal firearm or weapon in a crime:  First Offense: 10 years - Second Offense: 20 Years: Third and Subsequent Offense: 40 Years
  5. Use of an illegal firearm or weapon causing harm or death: First Offense: 20 years - Second and Subsequent Offenses: 40 Years
Maybe then... individuals that want to carry and use firearms or illegal weapons will think twice about doing that.  It would also give teeth to law enforcement in handling the problem.


Bamboozled in Las Vegas

Today, Lorraine and I are spending day two in Vegas.  We are having a great time.  Lorraine took care of all the details for flight, hotel, etc.  Now interesting enough, when we checked in at the Excalibur Hotel, everything was great... except for one thing.  The standard rooms don't have bath tubs.  No fault on their end... but something Lorraine and I like to have.  When I asked was there any upgrades that would give us a tub, they mentioned we could upgrade to a deluxe room that would have a Jacuzzi.  Lorraine's eyes lit up.  She loves Jacuzzis.  The price was reasonable so we changed the room and it is great.

Thinking on this a little longer, if we had got a room that just had a normal bath tub, we probably would not have asked to upgrade.  So, it was in Lorraine's best interest for the rooms not to have tubs, because she got what she really wanted... a Jacuzzi room.

When I asked her if she set me up... she just smiled and said "Of course not..."

I don't know though.. seems pretty convenient.  But who cares, we don't get away that much and Lorraine is very happy...

But I still think I got Baboozled in Las Vegas...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Durham Region Songwriter Showcase Project

Project Status...

Locations - Done

Sponsors - In Progress

Acts - Pending

I am writing you this message in hopes some of you may consider being a sponsor for the Durham Songwriter Showcase I am trying to arrange. Alternatively, you may know someone who may be interested.

I am trying to arrange showcases in the Durham Region where songwriters can showcase their original material. Being involved in music and it's associations, there has never been a real great resource for songwriters.

The showcases will be held at local Legions on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. This will be a two fold benefit, as not only will songwriters get their music heard, but the events will help raise funds for local Legion.

We will be looking for 1 to 3 piece acts to play their original music for 30 to 60 minutes. Each showcase will have 4 to 6 acts. All acts must be acoustic, with the exception of bass guitar and keyboards. We are looking for acts that play in the style of country, rock, folk, and such. Basically, music that will best suit the venue. Each act will be paid an honourarium of $50 to $75, depending on the number of acts. Sound will be provided, so basically all they have to do is plug in and play. Acts will also be allowed to bring any CD`s and such they may have available for sale.

As a sponsor of a showcase, you will be in every release sent out, and on every promotional material sent out. In addition, a sign at the showcase saying your are the sponsor, will be there as well, in addition, that the emcee, me, will mention before and after every act. The cost of sponsorship is $400 per showcase. This money will be used to pay the acts and promoting the event, as well as to help with the cost of sound.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you are interested in being a sponsor. Thanks for your time and consideration....

Rob MacArthur

Monday, June 25, 2012

Needed My Parents Fix

I took the day off today and went to Kingston where my parents live to go visit them.  Even though I talk to them almost every day by phone or e-mail, I find if I don't get to seem at least once ever three or four weeks I start to get jumpy.  This is not only due to the fact that I am an only child, but it is also due to the fact that they are also my best friends, besides my parents.  They have always been there when I needed someone to confide in, talk to, or needed help.  I knew pretty early in life that I was blessed to have such great parents... who turned into great grand parents and great great grandparents.

What really hit home though several years back is that I am doubly blessed to still have both parents around to visit and spend time with.  Many of my friends don't.  I don't want to waste this gift of time with them, so I use it as much as I can.

Although I will always feel that I don't see them enough, I do my best.  After I see them, even just for a few hours, my need is fixed for a little while.

I guess this is also a good reason to be self employed.  It makes it easier to get time for things that are employment.

Back when I was a single father and needed time for my kids such as operations, doctors appointments, sickness, etc...  The Town of Ajax, where I was the Manager of Computer Systems, was not very sympathetic.  I ended up having to take vacation, as well as getting in shit from my supervisor, for having to take time off when I needed it to deal with single parenthood.

Looking to get back to work for some company full time, but it will be have to be one that thinks family and responsibilities are just as important as the company.  At least these days I don't have kids to take care of... just making sure I spend the proper time with my wife, parents, kids, grandkids, and friends.  Let me know if anyone knows if any companies like that are still around...

Time to go to lunch with my parents....


Holy Speed Traps Batman!

On my way from Oshawa to Kingston to visit my parents.  I have already seen three speed traps.  Good thing I don't speed.  It's just the OPP trying to keep the highways safe and brighten your Mondays!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Left at the altar

If you have been left at the altar or have left someone at the altar, please contact me.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Having a great Friday!

Taking the day off to go sit in a box in Ottawa to watch the senators and Canadiens play, with my dad.  At the casino in gananoque right on a bus waiting to go.

Ontario Provincial Liberal Smoking By-Law Last Laugh

It is with a smile that I listen to news reports of the Liberal provincial government saying how they may have to close down slot casinos and race tracks due to lack of business.  What does not make me smile is the over 500 employees that may lose their jobs in Western Ontario.

It was back in 2005 that we lost our bar to the smoking bylaw.  Our sales went from $40,000 a month to $8,000 a month when the smoking by-law came into effect.  This was not even the provincial by-law.  We were so lucky that Durham Region brought in the by-law before the Ontario Liberals.  That meant that our patrons could go to Legions or to Toronto to smoke and drink.  The Ontario Liberals did follow shortly though.  We lost our bar, our house, and eventually had to declare bankruptcy.  Nobody cared about our staffs jobs or our livelihood.  When the Province brought in their smoking by-law I met with my local Liberal Provincial Rep and asked if the province was keeping track of bars that shutdown.  He said no.  I told him he may want to.  We were about the 26th bar of over 60 that went down from about 2004 to 2008 in just the Durham Region.  Bars have never returned to the level of business that they had before the smoking by-law.  Bars are still continuosly closing down.  Bars can't afford bands, so bands are suffering.  DJ's and Karaoke Hosts also suffer.  You also have to take in to consideration the loss in tips to staff, as well as lay offs.  Then there is the decrease in sales which effects suppliers and their staff.

We did get a little money back as we got hired by a non profit association called MyChoice that paid us to write, record, release and perform a song called "My Choice."  It's a cool song.  If you haven't heard it, let me know and I will give you the link.  MyChoice appointed me to their board of directors as well.  Me, a non smoker, on the board of directors for an organization that was in support of smokers rights.  For me it was for everyone's rights... not just smokers.  While on that board I got to see a report that stated that provincial casinos, slots, and race tracks were noticing a decrease in sales since the smoking by-law in the province.  Well, I guess it seems they may have wanted to pay attention to that report.

Smoking rooms in licensed establishments would have been a simple solution.  Alternatively, bars could have designated themselves as a smoking or a no smoking establishment.  These choices were never given and the fall out it is quite obvious.

The Ontario Liberals are a victim of their own pigheadedness.  They got what they deserved.  Unfortunately though, it is the residents of Ontario that are at fault for voting them in to many times.  It is also those same residents that are suffering for their choice of the provincial party in power.  Now we will probably be seeing more layoffs, businesses going under, and such, due to the fact that the Liberals are still in power in Ontario.

I've recovered to the damage that was done to me and my family.  God bless those that have to go through now,  what we went through back then.
Rob MacArthur

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nice Day Today....

Another great day of weather,,, so nice for driving.. had to go to Mississauga and Barrie for Service Calls today.  Saw a great name of a business today... It was a locksmith company and they were called "Surelock Homes"... Freakin awesome name.

Played pool in the CPA league with my boys, as well as had a Rotary Executive Meeting.

Did more work today on the promotion of the page that bands can submit to play at the Pickering Ribfest.

Watched the grandson a bit tonight as well with Lorraine...  He is always entertaining...

Anyways... of to bed.... got more service calls tomorrow and at least two meetings, as well as hosting Karaoke tomorrow night....


The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...