Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tim Horton's Not Being Supportive of Your Health or the Environment

First of all, let me state that I am a good Tim Horton's customer.  I frequent their getting coffee, breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  But lately their have been a few things that have been bugging me about this Canadian Institution.

First of all, the way Tim Horton's assigns staff does not speak well of their support of our health and the environment.  In most of the Tim Horton's I have been to, and I have been to a lot, they usually schedule at least double the employees on the drive thru then they do on the inside to handle walkin customers.  This tells customers that it is better to be in the drive thru line then walking into establishment.  This is bad for your health as at least walking in would stretch your muscles and give you some exercise.  This is bad for the environment as you have all those vehicles with their engines running.  Would it not be much better to entice customers to park and turn off their car and walk in to get whatever they want?  Schedule more staff for the walk in customers and less for the drive thru.  If drivers end up waiting to long in the drive thru, they may actually help their health and the environment by parking their car and going on.

The second thing that bugs me about Tim Hortons is Christmas time.  Like so many other businesses they don't have Merry Christmas in their stores for the most part.  They usually wimp out by saying Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings... or... by saying nothing at all.  This is Canada...  They are Canadian... Say at least Merry Christmas...  Better yet... put all the different greetings up.  But our heritage is Merry Christmas.  I am sure if Tim Horton was alive today, he would agree.  There has been some movement in recent years in North America to boycott stores of the Christmas Holidays that don't display at least Merry Christmas.

Finally... the addition of Ice Cream.  I know they piloted the coldstone ice cream in the States.  But, it would have been nice if they gave a chance to a Canadian Ice Cream vendor to have the opportunity in Canada to go into the Canadian Tim Horton's.   If you are Canadian... Support Canadian.

Think about it Tim Horton's.... Keep the Canadian Way... Tim would have wanted it that way...


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