Friday, July 20, 2012

Toronto Mayor Ford Wants to Pass His Gun Problem on to Other Areas and a Possible Solution

I could not believe what I heard when Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was talking about the recent gun shooting in Scarborough, as well as the gun problem as a whole in Toronto...  He wants to kick them all out of Town....  Never mind trying to deal with the problem by stricter laws and such... he just wants to pass on his problem to other municipalities.  Durham Region already has the negative side of Scarborough moving in to Pickering and Ajax.. but now apparently Mayor Ford wants anyone that has and uses an illegal fire arm, to go to Durham Region, and other municipalities, and let that municipality deal with his problem.

More politicians just passing on the buck again...

Why does he not work with Provincial and Federal Government reps and do something like this...

  1. There is no such thing as a young offender when it comes to illegal firearms and weapons.
  2. All penalties are for full duration.  No early release - No Probation.
  3. Possession of an illegal firearm or weapon - First Offense: 5 Years - Second Offense: 10 Years - Third and Subsequent Offense: 20 Years
  4. Use of an illegal firearm or weapon in a crime:  First Offense: 10 years - Second Offense: 20 Years: Third and Subsequent Offense: 40 Years
  5. Use of an illegal firearm or weapon causing harm or death: First Offense: 20 years - Second and Subsequent Offenses: 40 Years
Maybe then... individuals that want to carry and use firearms or illegal weapons will think twice about doing that.  It would also give teeth to law enforcement in handling the problem.


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