Friday, October 5, 2012

Alright Boys.... Feel Like A Woman... Then You Can Use the Girls Washroom!

There was a recent article in the Toronto Sun that tells of how the Toronto District School Board has passed a guideline that transgendered students can use whatever washroom they feel comfortable with.  So.... if you are a male, but feel like a female, then by all means use the female washroom.  No proof is needed... no doctor's note... nothing... just what you feel.  This is so these transgendered kids don't feel uncomfortable using the washroom for the gender they were born as.

Unbelieveable!  What about the students that still feel comfortable with the gender they were born as?  What about their rights?  Now they have to put up with males and in the female washrooms, and, females in the males washroom!  How comfortable are they going to feel.

The fact that there is no proof needed that you are a transgendered person, you can just imagine what is going to happen.  The comments on the Sun's web site already said it.  Statements that people wish this rule was around when they were in school are plentiful.  One guy stated he would have said anything to get into the girls bathroom.  Guess what... he probably was and is not alone.  I imagine there is a lot of males, and probably a few females, that are going to take advantage of this guideline, even though they are not transgendered.

The guideline also states that single bathrooms should be made available for students, should they not want to go into a multi-stall environment.  This would be the only move I could see that is viable and would work for all.

Again, powers that be take away the rights of one, to give to another.  When will we learn and stop this.  Any new rights should not be given to anyone if they take away existing rights from others.  Now kids that are not transgendered have a lot less privacy, choices, and rights, then they did before, thanks to the Provincial Government and the Toronto District School Board.

One other thing - the guidelines are the same for teachers at the Toronto District School Board.  Since teachers are allowed in student washrooms, you are looking at a whole other level of issues about safety and privacy for our children.  How many parents that have a daughter would want a male teacher that thinks he is woman, to share the washroom with their daughter.  Also, as mentioned by one commenter on the Sun web site, fears of pedophiles just got a whole lot bigger...


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