Friday, March 16, 2012

Ontario Provincial Liberal Smoking By-Law Last Laugh

It is with a smile that I listen to news reports of the Liberal provincial government saying how they may have to close down slot casinos and race tracks due to lack of business.  What does not make me smile is the over 500 employees that may lose their jobs in Western Ontario.

It was back in 2005 that we lost our bar to the smoking bylaw.  Our sales went from $40,000 a month to $8,000 a month when the smoking by-law came into effect.  This was not even the provincial by-law.  We were so lucky that Durham Region brought in the by-law before the Ontario Liberals.  That meant that our patrons could go to Legions or to Toronto to smoke and drink.  The Ontario Liberals did follow shortly though.  We lost our bar, our house, and eventually had to declare bankruptcy.  Nobody cared about our staffs jobs or our livelihood.  When the Province brought in their smoking by-law I met with my local Liberal Provincial Rep and asked if the province was keeping track of bars that shutdown.  He said no.  I told him he may want to.  We were about the 26th bar of over 60 that went down from about 2004 to 2008 in just the Durham Region.  Bars have never returned to the level of business that they had before the smoking by-law.  Bars are still continuosly closing down.  Bars can't afford bands, so bands are suffering.  DJ's and Karaoke Hosts also suffer.  You also have to take in to consideration the loss in tips to staff, as well as lay offs.  Then there is the decrease in sales which effects suppliers and their staff.

We did get a little money back as we got hired by a non profit association called MyChoice that paid us to write, record, release and perform a song called "My Choice."  It's a cool song.  If you haven't heard it, let me know and I will give you the link.  MyChoice appointed me to their board of directors as well.  Me, a non smoker, on the board of directors for an organization that was in support of smokers rights.  For me it was for everyone's rights... not just smokers.  While on that board I got to see a report that stated that provincial casinos, slots, and race tracks were noticing a decrease in sales since the smoking by-law in the province.  Well, I guess it seems they may have wanted to pay attention to that report.

Smoking rooms in licensed establishments would have been a simple solution.  Alternatively, bars could have designated themselves as a smoking or a no smoking establishment.  These choices were never given and the fall out it is quite obvious.

The Ontario Liberals are a victim of their own pigheadedness.  They got what they deserved.  Unfortunately though, it is the residents of Ontario that are at fault for voting them in to many times.  It is also those same residents that are suffering for their choice of the provincial party in power.  Now we will probably be seeing more layoffs, businesses going under, and such, due to the fact that the Liberals are still in power in Ontario.

I've recovered to the damage that was done to me and my family.  God bless those that have to go through now,  what we went through back then.
Rob MacArthur

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