Friday, December 18, 2015

Business Idea Number 1: Insurance Plan for Natural Vitamins and Remedies

Being the mindset of an entrepreneur, I keep coming with and working out business ideasand plans.  Unfortunately they never really happen because I don't have the venture capital.  I have the drive and willingness and skills to do it, but without the proper amount of capital, there is no sense.  I thought I would share these ideas.  I don't really care if people steal them and run with them.  Maybe somewhere down the road somebody will want to talk to me about starting them... who knows...  But I want to put them out there because I think they are good.  Do with them what you will! - Rob

Prescription drugs are a big business.  Insurance companies and drug companies make a whole lot of money on them.  Some help... some don't... some can kill you.  Natural vitamins and remedies though seem to work just as good if not better, and the negative side effects are way less.  What prevents people from using these natural solutions is the cost.  They, like drugs, can be expensive.  Unfortunately though, prescription plans do not cover natural vitamins and remedies.  But, what if there was a company that offered a plan for natural vitamins and remedies?

You can already get pet medical insurance, cancer insurance, car repair insurance, etc, so why not a natural vitamin and remedy one.

I think this would go through the roof.  You would have to work with vitamin manufacturers, setup a way to collect monthly premiums, setup how to disburse coverage payments, set limits, work with natural remedy consultants and such.  Once in place however, the benefit to the public would be extensive.

I have already worked out the above details, but, those are for me, I am sure anyone that wants to run with this idea can come up with everything that is needed to make this work, and, I do believe it would work in these times of natural medicine acceptance.

I am not saying I am the first one to put this out there, but I don't recall seeing anything like it out there.

If you decide to do this and are successful with it, all I ask is for a "Thank You" card.

Business Idea 2 will be forthcoming.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Monday, September 7, 2015

I Am Canadian

I am Canadian and I live in Canada. Make no mistake.... I AM CANADIAN. I can trace family roots as far back as the 1800's. I have even been called “Too Canadian” by my British In-Laws. I wear that like a badge of honour. My great Uncles fought and died in World War 1. My Great Grandfather was a Texas Ranger... not the baseball team. Both my Grandfathers fought in World War 2. My father was in the reserves. I say this so hopefully you may get an understanding for why I am what I am. I am Canadian with American, British and Scottish Heritage. I am the father of 6 and grandfather of 7.

Other Canadians, friends and family my not agree with my principals, and I accept and respect that, as that is our rights as Canadians.

It saddens me that I could not represent my country. I applied for the Canadian Armed Forces and applied to Police force, but did not have the attributes they were looking for. Unfortunately, I found later on that my analytical skills and prowess would serve my country well in CSIS or RCMP, but was to old to do anything about it.

Because of my heritage I help wherever I can. I am a Rotary member and volunteer much of my time to help charities locally and around the world. My endevours always cost me more out of my pocket then any financial gains I may receive, and I am fine with that.

Being Canadian, I respect the rights and freedoms of others, but expect the respect of my rights and freedoms. Myself and my family and friends should be able to say and display “Merry Christmas”... We should be able to recite the Lord's Prayer.... We should be able to sing “O Canada” and display the Canadian flag with pride. All should stand at attention at the playing of our National Anthem. I do not respect anyone that states we cannot, and will do anything in my power to oppose them.

I would never, ever, EVER let the death of my children or grandchildren promote any cause or political agenda. I hold in disgust any politician, political party or group that does so.

My heritage is to help those in need by fighting for them in their country so they can regain and enjoy their rights and freedoms in their country. That is what my forefathers did, and that is what I believe should be done.

I have not always been proud of Canada. The treatment of Jews looking for a safe haven from the Nazi's or the treatment of Asian during World War 2 does not make me proud.

If Canada was under attack from any group that wanted to control or end our freedoms, I would look to send my children to safety, but would remain myself to fight for the cause.

I support immigration for the benefit of Canada, as long as my rights are not in jeopardy. I believe in helping refugees, but not if it threatens the safety of my Country, family and friends.

I believe politicians should do what is best for Canadians and not their political party or their supporters.

I believe that all media is tainted with their political beliefs and agendas. One has to read all the information for an informed opinion. Fear is being promoted by and blamed on politicians, but it is also being promoted by media. Sensationalism sells. Everything has to be analyzed.

In the upcoming Canadian election, I have to choose a party that will represent and protect Canada, it's heritage, and the rights of Canadians. I have. My choice is clear. I will vote. Make your informed choice and vote. It does matter....


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Make Canadian Election Day, October 19, Canadian Independent Day!

I don't know about you, but I find our political party system is not working for me.  Elected officials are voting for what is best for their party, when they should be voting for what is best for the people that voted for them, their constituents.  Every party is doing what is best for them by passing things that will keep them in power, gain them more power, or serve the special interest groups they are affiliated with and support.

I believe it is time for independent candidates to come out of the wood work and run in ridings that they feel they could best represent and relate to.

If elected, when items come up for them to vote on, they will vote the way that best suits their constituents without any fear of reprise from any political party.  Independents would support the party in power or the opposition, based on what the issue is, and how it effects their area.

To me... this would be a truly democratic government.  It would be slow in growth in the beginning.... but I do believe it would gain ground as time goes on.

This would be good to do in federal and provincial elections.

61% of eligible voters came out to vote in the 2011 Federal Election.  If that 39% that did not vote made their voice heard, and those that did vote that are also fed up with party politics running our Canadian government supported independents, it really could make for some positive change.

Which is the only real way to make change effective... get involved.

So.. consider running as an independent candidate... also consider voting for an independent candidate... in our October 2015 Federal election.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Another Reason to be proud to be a Rotarian

Big shout out tonight to the Rotary Club of Scarboroughs Members and Steering committee for the Scarborough Rotary Ribfest in Toronto.  With news of a pending storm that was scheduled to hit the area around 9:30 pm,  they decided to stop everything and close the park.  I was doing the sound for the event and made the announcement.  Although it was not a popular decision with some of the ribber vendors, who were expressing their displeasure to.the rotary members there, it was the right one.   They truly put service above self by caring more about those attending the Ribfest then beer and food sales. They are to be commended.  As a member of the Rotary Club of Ajax, they have given me another reason to be proud to be a Rotary member.  We stayed 90 minutes longer to ensure the sound equipment was safe and secure the best we could.  Although the storm did not hit at 9:30 as expected, when I got in my van at 10:30 to leave, the skies opened up and lightening flashes and bolts could be seen all around.  The Ribfest continued tomorrow.  Will have to get there early for cleanup and setting up the sound again. #proud #rotary #member #scarborough #toronto #ontario #canada #ribfest #rotarydistrict7070 #serviceaboveself

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Canadians Need to Stand on Guard for Canada

Today I found out that apparently the Town of Richmond Hill has voted to stop the playing of O Canada at Council Meetings because it may offend some people.  There is also talk of Canada removing its connection to the Queen.  This has really gone to far.

If you live in Canada and are not Canadian and don't like our National Anthem... leave!  If you live in Canada and are Canadian and don't like our National Anthem... then you are not a real Canadian.

I don't blame immigrants or whomever on this... it is politicians that are selling their souls, their country and their heritage so that they can be politically correct and get block votes from immigrants.  This is the first time I have heard of this happening at the Municipal Level, but it runs rampant in our Provincial and Federal levels.

Multii-generational Canadians actually have less rights then newcomers.  We don't get offered the incentives... assistance or anything.  The big buzz is Newcomers to Canada... everyone, including municipalities is saying come to us, we can help!  Yet... if you are Canadian and move to a new municipality you get offered nothing.  Again...not the Newcomers fault.. the politicians fault. 

We as Canadians have to stop voting for politicians that ignore Canada's heritage, and,  Canadians Rights and freedoms, for the same of the rights and freedoms of non-Canadians because it is the popular thing to do.  Canadian's don't have to get more... just the same!  Until you are a Canadian... you should not have the same rights as Canadians.  You should have to prove that you will honour our heritage and support our rights and freedoms, at the same time as keeping your heritage.

I personally feel everyone has the freedom and rights of speech and religion.. but not at the expense of taking away the freedoms and rights of speech and religion that Canada was founded on from Canadians.

Canada has it's own share of poverty stricken areas and crisis.  We should be looking after and solving those problems before, or, at the very least the same time as we help other countries.  Poverty... starvation... education and homelessness are all problems in Canada as well.  Our politicians should be making that the number one priority.

I would rather vote for independents that want to be part of a Canadian Party... one that will uphold Canada's Heritage and Protect Canadians Rights and Freedoms at all levels for all Canadians... not just newcomers or other select groups.  Anyone can register as an independent and at least pass the message on even if they don't win...

Sadly, a number of years ago I tried to start a federal party called the True North Party of Canada.  At the time you only needed 250 members in the party and one candidate to run to be official.  It would have been least a voice for Canada.  I had over 500 people that said... yes let's do it.  I got all the forms, filled them out.  Sent the forms I needed for each member to fill out to everyone that was interested.  I received 3 back.

There it is folks.  Apathy.. the biggest disease in Canada.  Anything can be changed if you step up.  But nobody seems to want to bother.  Unless Canadians rise up and fight for their countries rights, freedoms and heritage, they will all eventually disappear, as they are starting to now.  We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

The current political party setup for Canada and the Provinces does not give a hoot for the very foundation and core that this country was founded on and still needs.  A new party would be great... but... will people sign on?  Probably not.. So as I said... just run as an independent on the common platform of maintaining the rights and freedoms of all Canadians and keeping Canada's heritage.  At least there will be a pocket of voices.

So in closing... Canadians Need to Stand On Guard for Canada!  So I challenge you Canadians... step up... make your voice heard... stand up for your rights and freedoms, as well as for those of generations to come, as well as for the heritage of Canada.

Monday, January 5, 2015

So When Is The Rest of Media in Canada Going to Have Anti-Spam Legislation?

It is now law that anyone that has a mailing list for customers and such in Canada has to have confirmation from those people that they want to receive emails from the business.  The Canadian Anti-Spam Law came into effect in 2014.  One part of what is considered SPAM is unwanted commercial digital messages.

It is not the purpose of this blog to go into the subject of this law or SPAM in general.

What I want to know is: "When will other media have to have my consent to send me unsolicited marketing messages?"

This included telephone, TV, Radio, and Print.  I mean really... why is everyone just picking on the digital age?

I never gave consent to receive oodles of junk and admail, or the tons of flyers in my newspaper.  In addition... show me one place where I signed up for phone or tv, that I gave consent to be shown unwanted commercials or get unwanted phone calls?

Sound ridiculous?  It is sort of...  But think about it.. where is the fair business practice and ethics here?  Digital media messages, flyers and such have to have consent, but print, tv, radio and telephone media do not?  Not a fair at all.

Here's the kicker... you are not paying for services, as a rule, from the person sending your marketing messages digitally... but you are paying for your phone, radio, tv and print in most cases.  So the ones you pay don't need consent, but the ones you don't pay do need consent?!?

It seems a little strange to me.

It should be all one way or the other.  Not picking and choosing who gets the restriction and who doesn't.  Personally, I go for the option that I can opt-out of flyers and admail.

After you really think about it... what about you?


The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...