Monday, September 7, 2015

I Am Canadian

I am Canadian and I live in Canada. Make no mistake.... I AM CANADIAN. I can trace family roots as far back as the 1800's. I have even been called “Too Canadian” by my British In-Laws. I wear that like a badge of honour. My great Uncles fought and died in World War 1. My Great Grandfather was a Texas Ranger... not the baseball team. Both my Grandfathers fought in World War 2. My father was in the reserves. I say this so hopefully you may get an understanding for why I am what I am. I am Canadian with American, British and Scottish Heritage. I am the father of 6 and grandfather of 7.

Other Canadians, friends and family my not agree with my principals, and I accept and respect that, as that is our rights as Canadians.

It saddens me that I could not represent my country. I applied for the Canadian Armed Forces and applied to Police force, but did not have the attributes they were looking for. Unfortunately, I found later on that my analytical skills and prowess would serve my country well in CSIS or RCMP, but was to old to do anything about it.

Because of my heritage I help wherever I can. I am a Rotary member and volunteer much of my time to help charities locally and around the world. My endevours always cost me more out of my pocket then any financial gains I may receive, and I am fine with that.

Being Canadian, I respect the rights and freedoms of others, but expect the respect of my rights and freedoms. Myself and my family and friends should be able to say and display “Merry Christmas”... We should be able to recite the Lord's Prayer.... We should be able to sing “O Canada” and display the Canadian flag with pride. All should stand at attention at the playing of our National Anthem. I do not respect anyone that states we cannot, and will do anything in my power to oppose them.

I would never, ever, EVER let the death of my children or grandchildren promote any cause or political agenda. I hold in disgust any politician, political party or group that does so.

My heritage is to help those in need by fighting for them in their country so they can regain and enjoy their rights and freedoms in their country. That is what my forefathers did, and that is what I believe should be done.

I have not always been proud of Canada. The treatment of Jews looking for a safe haven from the Nazi's or the treatment of Asian during World War 2 does not make me proud.

If Canada was under attack from any group that wanted to control or end our freedoms, I would look to send my children to safety, but would remain myself to fight for the cause.

I support immigration for the benefit of Canada, as long as my rights are not in jeopardy. I believe in helping refugees, but not if it threatens the safety of my Country, family and friends.

I believe politicians should do what is best for Canadians and not their political party or their supporters.

I believe that all media is tainted with their political beliefs and agendas. One has to read all the information for an informed opinion. Fear is being promoted by and blamed on politicians, but it is also being promoted by media. Sensationalism sells. Everything has to be analyzed.

In the upcoming Canadian election, I have to choose a party that will represent and protect Canada, it's heritage, and the rights of Canadians. I have. My choice is clear. I will vote. Make your informed choice and vote. It does matter....


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