Friday, December 18, 2015

Business Idea Number 1: Insurance Plan for Natural Vitamins and Remedies

Being the mindset of an entrepreneur, I keep coming with and working out business ideasand plans.  Unfortunately they never really happen because I don't have the venture capital.  I have the drive and willingness and skills to do it, but without the proper amount of capital, there is no sense.  I thought I would share these ideas.  I don't really care if people steal them and run with them.  Maybe somewhere down the road somebody will want to talk to me about starting them... who knows...  But I want to put them out there because I think they are good.  Do with them what you will! - Rob

Prescription drugs are a big business.  Insurance companies and drug companies make a whole lot of money on them.  Some help... some don't... some can kill you.  Natural vitamins and remedies though seem to work just as good if not better, and the negative side effects are way less.  What prevents people from using these natural solutions is the cost.  They, like drugs, can be expensive.  Unfortunately though, prescription plans do not cover natural vitamins and remedies.  But, what if there was a company that offered a plan for natural vitamins and remedies?

You can already get pet medical insurance, cancer insurance, car repair insurance, etc, so why not a natural vitamin and remedy one.

I think this would go through the roof.  You would have to work with vitamin manufacturers, setup a way to collect monthly premiums, setup how to disburse coverage payments, set limits, work with natural remedy consultants and such.  Once in place however, the benefit to the public would be extensive.

I have already worked out the above details, but, those are for me, I am sure anyone that wants to run with this idea can come up with everything that is needed to make this work, and, I do believe it would work in these times of natural medicine acceptance.

I am not saying I am the first one to put this out there, but I don't recall seeing anything like it out there.

If you decide to do this and are successful with it, all I ask is for a "Thank You" card.

Business Idea 2 will be forthcoming.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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