Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Make Canadian Election Day, October 19, Canadian Independent Day!

I don't know about you, but I find our political party system is not working for me.  Elected officials are voting for what is best for their party, when they should be voting for what is best for the people that voted for them, their constituents.  Every party is doing what is best for them by passing things that will keep them in power, gain them more power, or serve the special interest groups they are affiliated with and support.

I believe it is time for independent candidates to come out of the wood work and run in ridings that they feel they could best represent and relate to.

If elected, when items come up for them to vote on, they will vote the way that best suits their constituents without any fear of reprise from any political party.  Independents would support the party in power or the opposition, based on what the issue is, and how it effects their area.

To me... this would be a truly democratic government.  It would be slow in growth in the beginning.... but I do believe it would gain ground as time goes on.

This would be good to do in federal and provincial elections.

61% of eligible voters came out to vote in the 2011 Federal Election.  If that 39% that did not vote made their voice heard, and those that did vote that are also fed up with party politics running our Canadian government supported independents, it really could make for some positive change.

Which is the only real way to make change effective... get involved.

So.. consider running as an independent candidate... also consider voting for an independent candidate... in our October 2015 Federal election.


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