Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Canadians Need to Stand on Guard for Canada

Today I found out that apparently the Town of Richmond Hill has voted to stop the playing of O Canada at Council Meetings because it may offend some people.  There is also talk of Canada removing its connection to the Queen.  This has really gone to far.

If you live in Canada and are not Canadian and don't like our National Anthem... leave!  If you live in Canada and are Canadian and don't like our National Anthem... then you are not a real Canadian.

I don't blame immigrants or whomever on this... it is politicians that are selling their souls, their country and their heritage so that they can be politically correct and get block votes from immigrants.  This is the first time I have heard of this happening at the Municipal Level, but it runs rampant in our Provincial and Federal levels.

Multii-generational Canadians actually have less rights then newcomers.  We don't get offered the incentives... assistance or anything.  The big buzz is Newcomers to Canada... everyone, including municipalities is saying come to us, we can help!  Yet... if you are Canadian and move to a new municipality you get offered nothing.  Again...not the Newcomers fault.. the politicians fault. 

We as Canadians have to stop voting for politicians that ignore Canada's heritage, and,  Canadians Rights and freedoms, for the same of the rights and freedoms of non-Canadians because it is the popular thing to do.  Canadian's don't have to get more... just the same!  Until you are a Canadian... you should not have the same rights as Canadians.  You should have to prove that you will honour our heritage and support our rights and freedoms, at the same time as keeping your heritage.

I personally feel everyone has the freedom and rights of speech and religion.. but not at the expense of taking away the freedoms and rights of speech and religion that Canada was founded on from Canadians.

Canada has it's own share of poverty stricken areas and crisis.  We should be looking after and solving those problems before, or, at the very least the same time as we help other countries.  Poverty... starvation... education and homelessness are all problems in Canada as well.  Our politicians should be making that the number one priority.

I would rather vote for independents that want to be part of a Canadian Party... one that will uphold Canada's Heritage and Protect Canadians Rights and Freedoms at all levels for all Canadians... not just newcomers or other select groups.  Anyone can register as an independent and at least pass the message on even if they don't win...

Sadly, a number of years ago I tried to start a federal party called the True North Party of Canada.  At the time you only needed 250 members in the party and one candidate to run to be official.  It would have been great...at least a voice for Canada.  I had over 500 people that said... yes let's do it.  I got all the forms, filled them out.  Sent the forms I needed for each member to fill out to everyone that was interested.  I received 3 back.

There it is folks.  Apathy.. the biggest disease in Canada.  Anything can be changed if you step up.  But nobody seems to want to bother.  Unless Canadians rise up and fight for their countries rights, freedoms and heritage, they will all eventually disappear, as they are starting to now.  We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

The current political party setup for Canada and the Provinces does not give a hoot for the very foundation and core that this country was founded on and still needs.  A new party would be great... but... will people sign on?  Probably not.. So as I said... just run as an independent on the common platform of maintaining the rights and freedoms of all Canadians and keeping Canada's heritage.  At least there will be a pocket of voices.

So in closing... Canadians Need to Stand On Guard for Canada!  So I challenge you Canadians... step up... make your voice heard... stand up for your rights and freedoms, as well as for those of generations to come, as well as for the heritage of Canada.

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