Monday, January 5, 2015

So When Is The Rest of Media in Canada Going to Have Anti-Spam Legislation?

It is now law that anyone that has a mailing list for customers and such in Canada has to have confirmation from those people that they want to receive emails from the business.  The Canadian Anti-Spam Law came into effect in 2014.  One part of what is considered SPAM is unwanted commercial digital messages.

It is not the purpose of this blog to go into the subject of this law or SPAM in general.

What I want to know is: "When will other media have to have my consent to send me unsolicited marketing messages?"

This included telephone, TV, Radio, and Print.  I mean really... why is everyone just picking on the digital age?

I never gave consent to receive oodles of junk and admail, or the tons of flyers in my newspaper.  In addition... show me one place where I signed up for phone or tv, that I gave consent to be shown unwanted commercials or get unwanted phone calls?

Sound ridiculous?  It is sort of...  But think about it.. where is the fair business practice and ethics here?  Digital media messages, flyers and such have to have consent, but print, tv, radio and telephone media do not?  Not a fair at all.

Here's the kicker... you are not paying for services, as a rule, from the person sending your marketing messages digitally... but you are paying for your phone, radio, tv and print in most cases.  So the ones you pay don't need consent, but the ones you don't pay do need consent?!?

It seems a little strange to me.

It should be all one way or the other.  Not picking and choosing who gets the restriction and who doesn't.  Personally, I go for the option that I can opt-out of flyers and admail.

After you really think about it... what about you?


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