Friday, November 14, 2014

The Essex School Board Memo About Students Opting Out of Public Remembrance Day Gathering

Okay... so... the infamous Essex County School Board Memo that some are saying stated it was for Muslims and some are stating it was for those fearful for their children's safety.  If you go by the memo text itself.... the memo states "that some families may be reluctant to have their children attend your location municipality ceremonies."  Which really does not state a reason why the parents would be reluctant.  In the next paragraph the memo talks of images available that "reflect Canada's diverse military and to honour those families who are, and have been our allies in conflicts that we as a nation, have participated."

The memo also states "Remembrance Day is a wonderful ‘teachable moment’ – and the Canadian War Museum has lots to offer with resources that are reflective of our Canadian nation – and our equally diverse local

Now to me this would infer minorities... without stating which ones.

HOWEVER in the links included, besides a link to the War Museum Tool Kit for education which is the first link given, the memo then gives two Muslim Canadian Soldier links. The first one is to a blog called the Mad Padre and was to go to a page about a Canadian Muslim Soldier Guide.  Coincidentally that page no longer exists.  The second link goes to a web site that is about a Muslim Canadian Soldier.

These two links are then followed by a Google Image search for Aboriginal Canadian is then followed  by a Google search link for Aboriginal Canadian Soldiers images.  This then followed by a Google Image Search link for African Canadian Soldiers.  The last link is for a Google Search for Asian Canadian Soldiers.

The last 3 links don't make sense to me.  Aboriginal... Asian... or Africans are not the ones on the hot seat right now.  Muslims are.  So... why have links to the images?  Also... the first two links to Muslim sites...are not for Google Image Searches... they are to actual sites about Muslims.

In my opinion... these links were not there in the original memo and were added as part of covering it up... or... were included to try and cover up what the memo was about.

In my opinion... again this is mine... this memo was for Muslims, but did not come right out and say it.  If it was not for Muslims or minorities in any way... then why include links to any sites or google image searches at all.  The only link that would have been included was the link to the War Museums Education Tool Kit.

Finally why links to Muslim sites...why not to India... or Pakistan... all the
other links were to nationalities or race.  The Muslim links were the only religious link included.

Now the memo does talk of the school providing alternative Remembrance Day activities at the school for those students who may not be comfortable being at a public Remembrance Day gathering.  But, they are not talking about alternative events for all students, just students that come from a diverse background... specifically Muslim, Asian, African and Aboriginal.

This memo was badly done.  They could have just as easily sent out a memo to schools referring to all students and having alternative Remembrance Day Service at the school due to recent events.  There was no need to talk about diverse backgrounds, Muslims, Africans, Asians and Aboriginals.

Everyone will have a different opinion probably based on their political beliefs.  Mine are based on logic.  I have no political affiliations.  I am just a Canadian...  Who likes to dabble in Investigative Reporting.

If you would like to see for your self... here is a link to what is supposed to be the original memo.  Look at it and make your own conclusion.


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