Monday, July 15, 2013

Advice to Bands - Fairs, Festivals and Ribfests

Just finished playing at and doing the sound for a local service organization rib fest.  A couple of observations that may be of some value to bands...

First of all a few points.  Unless you are a headliner that attracts tens of thousands of attendees, you are a basically a filler.  The ten to maybe 50 people you brought don't even amount to 1% of the crowd attendance.  You should thank your lucky stars to even be picked to play at such an event and get paid!  It is not the festival or rib fest.  It is the festival.  It is all about the service organization or community or promoter.  They are there to raise funds.  They raise funds by revenue by whatever they sell... Tickets... Beer... Ribs... What ever.  You are an expense.... An overhead. 

Here are some do's...

  1. Have a video of a live performance online for talent buyers to see.  Not a music video.  Talent buyers want to see what you look like on stage.
  2. Really consider whatever money they offering.  Most have budgets that they have to stick to.  Any money is good money.  It is better then not playing.  Having to travel far distances is totally different.  Being an unknown you should probably expect not to be offered to much money, unless you have a unique act, this includes travel money.
  3. If you are hired, promote being at the event as much as you can promoting the organization/community/promoter that has hired you.
  4. Show up an hour ahead of the time from when you are supposed to start,
  5. Make sure you greet organizers and thank them for the opportunity.  Also great anyone you know... People in the crowd... Other bands... Stage and sound crew... Etc
  6. Get on stage and ready to go as quickly as possible.  Most of these events want as much live music they can get as quick as they can get it.  If you take to long to start, you might not get invited back.
  7. When you are done playing, get off the stage as quick as you can so the next band can get ready.
  8. Have business cards.. CD... Banners... Swag... What ever you have.  Our band has always gotten more gigs, gained fans, and had more internet radio plays after we have played such an event.
  9. After you are finished playing be sure to thank organizers again and say you hope they will will have you back next year.
  10. Hang around after you play to watch other bands and greet more people.
Here are some don'ts...
  1. If a back line is supplied, do not insist on using your own drum kit.  Doing this slows the flow of bands down and will get you not invited back.
  2. Don't be a diva.. Don't insist on having everything  perfect.  This is reserved for big name acts.  Play the best you can under the conditions you have.
  3. Do not allow any fan, manager, what ever to go over and tell the sound engineer their job.  The event liked that person or persons enough to have them do the sound, so respect that.
  4. Do not complain if you to start early, late, get interrupted, or have your performance cut short.  The event has a good reason and its about them... Not you.
  5. Do not complain or bad mouth the organizers or event over the microphone.
  6. Do not send an email after the event complaining about some thing.
The above are sure ways not to get invited back.  Also, service organizations, communities, or promoters communicate.  If you are deemed to be a diva or trouble making band, that will spread amongst talent buyers and you will soon find it hard to get a gig... No matter how talented you may be.

Based on what I observed during this event, there are at least two bands that will probably not be invited back.  Thankfully, there are a good number that probably will be invited back.

Shameless promotion time... Visit our websites at...

Take care...


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