Saturday, January 23, 2010

What's Making Me Sick In Canada

What's making me sick in Canada.

I love my country, but it's certainly not the Canada I was born into.

Is this bothering anyone else besides me?

I'm sick of Canada being the gateway for Terrorists into the United States.

I'm sick of the fact that immigrants get more government funding then our senior citizens.

I'm sick of the fact kids can't where shirts that say "Merry Christmas" to school.

I'm sick of people that commit murder getting off with any other prison sentence then life.. and life should be life!

I'm sick of the fact that there is no respect for our police, prison guards, and other security forces - if you kill one while they are performing their duty and you are commiting a crime, you should be put to death.

I'm sick of federal elections where the two criteria of being 18 years old and a Canadian Citizen are not being followed.

I'm sick of the fact that attempted terrorism is viewed different then terrorism. They should be both treated and sentenced the same way - and the sentence should be death.

I'm sick of young offenders not being treated and tried as adults in violent crims.

What are you sick of?

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