Sunday, January 24, 2010

Interesting comments on Facebook about the Apathy Pary of Canada

Rob MacArthur The newest unofficial unregistered political party in Canada - - "Complain, Do Nothing!"
Yesterday at 5:11pm via Seesmic · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)

Rob Minderman
saw it - to each their own I guess, I think it's a really stupid idea.
Yesterday at 5:22pm ·

Rob MacArthur
So is almost 70% of the eligible voting public not voting at the federal, provincial, and municipal level... but I guess you're are ok with that... to me that's stupid!
Yesterday at 5:25pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
My question is, what are you voting for???? All parties are run by corporations, lobbyist and the global elite. You vote in a different party, same results. The Canadian Action Party is the only political party in Canada actually educating Canadians on the truth....North American Union, Codex, stripping of our everyday Common Rights & Freedoms...My advice to people is to get educated. Become less political and more common sense...CheersBud
Yesterday at 6:05pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
Yesterday at 6:07pm ·

Rob MacArthur
Absolutely - party politics are out and have lost their direction - it is now common sense that has to rule - sounds like a good party to me - Canadian should be either a member of this party and support it, or just accept being a member of the Apathy Party and do nothing!
Yesterday at 6:19pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
www.canadianactionparty.caUnfortunately, most will do nothing.....
Yesterday at 6:28pm ·

Rob MacArthur
ergo - The Apathy Party of Canada...
Yesterday at 6:58pm ·

Steven Williams
Wow! Forming a party that espouses apathy really defeats the whole purpose of apathy. They are already no longer apathetic! A jokingly done party, I think.
12 hours ago ·

Derek Paul Sharp
Read their mandate. It is totally tongue-in-cheek and satirical. It is being done to try to get people thinking about how ridiculous and stupid it is that they are not voting or doing anything about the government they prefer to sit and complain about. Apathy is the only thing most Canadians seem to want to espouse these days, why NOT have an unofficial party for them?
3 hours ago ·

Rob MacArthur
Do you think? Unfortunately though it is not a joke - because this party has more support and members then any other political party.
29 minutes ago ·

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