Monday, January 25, 2010

Productive Day Today

It was a productive day today. Did a lot of work on marketing and promotions of my company, band, as well as other clients.

The computer services and support for computers at home and the office seems to be growing.

Getting some good leads for the Too Drunk to Fish Band, Lorraine Davies, Davies and Wayne, and Karaoke with Rob and Lorraine. The Durham Music Mob idea is still going on.

Did "The Dose of Daily Realith Show" today. Show went well. Web site is up now to at Getting leads on some voice over and voice tracking work. Just trying to make a career on radio... hopefully it will happen!

Did some more work on the;; and sites. Sure do like that Vintage Beatles CD - it's great!

Played in the CPA Pool League tonight. Our team lost, but I shot well. It's early so we will be ok.

Tomorrow it's a Rotory Breakfast Meeting at 7am; meeting with Newstart Canada at 10:30am; "The Daily Dose of Reality Show" on at 1pm EST. Then probably a bit of volunteer work at the Durham Youth Shelter. After that probably start doing some marketing for my computer services and the band.

Having a lot of fun with the Apathy Party of Canada thing (

Will have to meet with Buck soon to plan the next Buck and Buzz Show ( on Wednesday at 9:00pm.

Well time to go to bed. It's past midnight and 6:15am comes early...

Rob Out...

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