Thursday, January 28, 2010

This Weeks Karaoke Shows with Rob and Lorraine

Thursday - Rovers Rest - 282 Monarch Avenue - Ajax - 10pm - C'mon out and sing and play in a local pub atmosphere!

Saturday - Tudor Rose - Corner of Westney and Harwood - Ajax - 9pm - Theme for the Night: Celebrities - Come on out and sing and play, as well as dress up as your favourite celebrity to win prizes!

Sunday - Tudor Rose - 8pm - For those die hard Karaoke singers that just need to sing - great pub atmosphere and food!

If you've got favourite Karaoke songs and you will be coming out to our show, send us a message and we'll do our best to have your songs there!

Rob and Lorraine

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On the Buck and Buzz Show - Wednesday, January 27th - 9pm EST

Listen to the Buck and Buzz Show tonight at 9pm EST on

Here's what's schedule for the show tonight...

  • Buck's Wackos of the Week
  • What Pisses Buzz Off
  • The Great Buzzarini Tarot Reading
  • E-Mails
  • Minnisota Bucks Superbowl Picks
  • What's Happening At the Hill
  • The Good, The Bad, and the Weird
  • Hair and Where It Grows
  • Terrorism the Crime Keeps on Giving
  • Apathy Party of Canada Update
  • and more...

The Buzz and Buck Show - -

Monday, January 25, 2010

Productive Day Today

It was a productive day today. Did a lot of work on marketing and promotions of my company, band, as well as other clients.

The computer services and support for computers at home and the office seems to be growing.

Getting some good leads for the Too Drunk to Fish Band, Lorraine Davies, Davies and Wayne, and Karaoke with Rob and Lorraine. The Durham Music Mob idea is still going on.

Did "The Dose of Daily Realith Show" today. Show went well. Web site is up now to at Getting leads on some voice over and voice tracking work. Just trying to make a career on radio... hopefully it will happen!

Did some more work on the;; and sites. Sure do like that Vintage Beatles CD - it's great!

Played in the CPA Pool League tonight. Our team lost, but I shot well. It's early so we will be ok.

Tomorrow it's a Rotory Breakfast Meeting at 7am; meeting with Newstart Canada at 10:30am; "The Daily Dose of Reality Show" on at 1pm EST. Then probably a bit of volunteer work at the Durham Youth Shelter. After that probably start doing some marketing for my computer services and the band.

Having a lot of fun with the Apathy Party of Canada thing (

Will have to meet with Buck soon to plan the next Buck and Buzz Show ( on Wednesday at 9:00pm.

Well time to go to bed. It's past midnight and 6:15am comes early...

Rob Out...

Computer Advice for Home and Business

I have been working on a lot of desktops and laptops lately. Mostly making sure that virus, adware, and malware software is up to date and working, as well as removing some of the same.

People seem to have forgotten computer basics though. Security and backups are so important now that so many people are running their business on their desktop and/or laptop computers at home or at the office.

Not everyone has the money to hire a system administrator to take care of these systems. So, they must be responsible for backups being done and the security of computer. I'm hoping I can shed some light on things.

This is the first posting on some ideas that I have gathered from over 30 years in the computer field.

First of all, don't run your business on your home computer. You know, the one the kids and family all use. No virus, malware, adware, or other protection can prevent you from everything your family can do to your computer. Spend the extra money for another computer. If you are running your business from home, make one of the computers your business computer only. Routers are cheap, so everyone can enjoy the internet. In addition, you can also network your home computers quite easily through routers to share information and printers.

For home computers I definitely recommend accounts and passwords for all. This way, there is less of a chance of one user messing up the data of another. This also makes it easier if you want to add protection to some users on what content they can view on the internet, as well as the fact you can be able to track where they go. You should also have one account on every computer that is like a back door account. This is usually the administrator account. This account should have a password on it and the password should be recorded and store in a safe location.

Backups for your business computer at home is imperative, but it is also important for personal things like pictures, letters, and such. I will be talking about backups for both home and business at a later date, because there is more to it than you think.

I provide a monthly audit service that helps with many of the aspects of maintaining the effectiveness and security of your computer system. I will come in and check, verify, and audit the safety and security of your computer for $50 a computer. The service goes through the auditing of backups, passwords, security, virus, maleware, and adware protection, as well as the cleanup and organization of information stored on your computer. If something is not right, I will attempt to fix it, or advise you on what has to be done to make it right. This offer is for stand alone desktops and laptops at home or in the office. Contact me at for more information.

Until next time...

Rob MacArthur

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Interesting comments on Facebook about the Apathy Pary of Canada

Rob MacArthur The newest unofficial unregistered political party in Canada - - "Complain, Do Nothing!"
Yesterday at 5:11pm via Seesmic · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View Feedback (10)Hide Feedback (10)

Rob Minderman
saw it - to each their own I guess, I think it's a really stupid idea.
Yesterday at 5:22pm ·

Rob MacArthur
So is almost 70% of the eligible voting public not voting at the federal, provincial, and municipal level... but I guess you're are ok with that... to me that's stupid!
Yesterday at 5:25pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
My question is, what are you voting for???? All parties are run by corporations, lobbyist and the global elite. You vote in a different party, same results. The Canadian Action Party is the only political party in Canada actually educating Canadians on the truth....North American Union, Codex, stripping of our everyday Common Rights & Freedoms...My advice to people is to get educated. Become less political and more common sense...CheersBud
Yesterday at 6:05pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
Yesterday at 6:07pm ·

Rob MacArthur
Absolutely - party politics are out and have lost their direction - it is now common sense that has to rule - sounds like a good party to me - Canadian should be either a member of this party and support it, or just accept being a member of the Apathy Party and do nothing!
Yesterday at 6:19pm ·

Bud Azzopardi
www.canadianactionparty.caUnfortunately, most will do nothing.....
Yesterday at 6:28pm ·

Rob MacArthur
ergo - The Apathy Party of Canada...
Yesterday at 6:58pm ·

Steven Williams
Wow! Forming a party that espouses apathy really defeats the whole purpose of apathy. They are already no longer apathetic! A jokingly done party, I think.
12 hours ago ·

Derek Paul Sharp
Read their mandate. It is totally tongue-in-cheek and satirical. It is being done to try to get people thinking about how ridiculous and stupid it is that they are not voting or doing anything about the government they prefer to sit and complain about. Apathy is the only thing most Canadians seem to want to espouse these days, why NOT have an unofficial party for them?
3 hours ago ·

Rob MacArthur
Do you think? Unfortunately though it is not a joke - because this party has more support and members then any other political party.
29 minutes ago ·

Interesting comments from facebook on "What's Making Me Sick In Canada"

Eric Bonatti
Some of these I agree, but I'm against the death penalty for anything.I am in favour of tougher prison sentences and life in prison should be life, 25 years or more.
Yesterday at 5:48pm via Facebook Mobile ·

Rob MacArthur
You'll notice I only mentioned that on a few points - but - I don't expect everyone to agree - One other big thing I am sick of is the Apathy in Canada to vote - we are losing the grip on our country because of it.Thanks for the comments!
Yesterday at 5:51pm ·

Donna Lynn Mitchell-Neil
I'm with you on all of the above Rob, including the death penalty. It's easy enough to be against the death penalty when you haven't seen what some of these monsters do, but hey, work with parents who's child is missing, and then take a look at the body when it's found, and well, it changed my mind!!!!!Voting is very important. I've been ... See Moreworking for the last four years on driving lower income people to vote. Lower income families, especially single parents, are least likely to vote, and they make up a large portion of our society. Explains why they are also forgotten when it comes time for programs, and also why we have so many children living beneath the poverty line in Canada...We used to be a great place to live according to the UN. Not anymore. Oh, and don't even get me started on Rural Canada, that's a whole other mess right there....
Yesterday at 7:26pm ·

Steven Williams
Sorry but:NO to the Death Penalty! It is just not enough "time" spent paying for the crime. However, I do advocate for strong penalties with few "perks" to make their lives easy. I would prefer to have the criminal spend every day of their life in prison knowing what they can't have or do. THAT to me is the stronger penalty! (And, yes, I know what some of these people have done!)Apathy and complaining are well within our 'rights' in a country such as Canada. I don't ascribe to the "if you don't have anything good to say, don't talk" mentality! We can sit on our hands and moan all we want but it won't get anything done but that is our 'right'! Would you rather be forced by law to vote and to participate? Would you rather be told by law that you can't complain? ... See MoreThat said, I applaud anyone who does get out and makes the effort to get involved and to try and get others involved (as long as they accept other people's 'right' to say no.)Cheers
Yesterday at 9:32pm ·

Francine Seguin
oh that,s for shore,,it changed a lot...with the people they let in know,s not the same...that take a lot of place..paki..sorry i can,t...the good old days are gone,,and know we can say the bars are fun never no when you gone a get shoot..and the law for cigarette ...hey and they say it,s a free country..hum and that prime minister harper..should be out...and i can go on and on...
Yesterday at 10:56pm ·

Steven King Sr.
Don't put them in jail. Who pays the 80K plus a year to keep them. Swing em or fry em! You got it pretty well down pat, Rob. It all started when they forced the RCMP to change their head gear for the sake of 1 immigrant.
Yesterday at 11:14pm ·

Derek Paul Sharp
To whomever said that we have the right to apathy and to not vote if we choose in Canada is dead wrong.Yes, article 2 section b of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that we have the right to "freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication", but article 3 clearly states that "Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in an election of members of the House of Commons or of a legislative assembly and to be qualified for membership therein."I defy you to show me where in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms it says that Canadian citizens have the right to not vote if they so choose. It clearly only specifies a right to vote...not a right to NOT vote. People who do not exercise their right to vote are shirking their responsibility as Canadians, and deserve to get the government they then have no problems exercising their right to complain about.... See MoreIn fact, it would serve the non-voting Canadians right if total anarchy replaced democracy in Canada. What a shame it would be for those of us who do exercise our right, and uphold our responsibility in a democratic society, to vote.
Yesterday at 11:43pm ·

Steven Williams
You did notice I put 'right' and 'rights' within single quotation marks, did you not. So, I am well within my 'rights' to be apathetic and complain even though the government has not written this down in the Charter! What it does mean that I shouldn't expect much to change if I don't get involved. Again, would you rather the government make it law that you must vote and illegal to spoil you ballot? I'd prefer not to be forced to vote!... See MoreI do not feel the government needs to be coming into that part of my life. I will do my civic duty without being told I HAVE TO, thank you very much!
13 hours ago ·

Steven Williams
Just because it does not explicitly say that you have not to vote does not mean that it isn't implied.I agree with much of your second paragraph, those who made effort to ensure we do have the right to vote, etc should deserve more. However, did they not also fight so that we can express and exercise our choice not to if that is what we feel is appropriate. Yet, I would say that if that is the choice one makes then they should get involved in some manner to bring about a change, non-violent change, in what they think is wrong.You next paragraphs smack of going against exactly what our forefathers fought and wanted to avoid. It creeps to close to totalitarianism and a rule of elites, which we may already have. I would fight that every step. I do not need a government to tell me I must exercise my right to vote or be punished by law!... See MoreThe Charter doesn't explicity say I can sit around my house in the nude eating day old pizza but I do not need it to to know I can. Nor should the Charter tell me that I can because it is implicit in the meaning of the words.I fully agree that more of us should be voting and I feel that voting should be made more accessible to all Canadians no matter where they are because it is part of being a citizen. However, I do not feel the government should mandate that I vote, that is not they government's job.
12 hours ago ·

Steven Williams
I'd also agree that it isn't the Canada any of us were born into but then every generation feels that way. After a while we all feel nostalgic for the "good old days" no matter how horrible those days felt at the time.Me, I don't think any era was/is any better than what came before but it is different and needfully so. I look to the future as much as I love the past!
10 hours ago ·

Derek Paul Sharp
Ah, crap...I tried to open my comment and read it again, but accidentally hit delete instead...I will repost my comments later.
3 hours ago ·

Rob MacArthur
Democracy and freedom go together with a choice of things to do - such as vote - our military does what we ask of them because it is their duty - but freedom does not come easy and we have a duty as citizens of Canada to vote - even if we have no complaints on what is going on in the country, we must vote, because it is voting that upholds ... See Moredemocracy and all the freedoms that come with it - if you don't like the way things are then you should make your voice heard and the most importan way of doing that.If one doesn't wish to vote then move to a country that does not allow voting - I'm sure they would be happy there.
23 minutes ago ·

Rob MacArthur
Still a strong support for the dealth penalty - each jailed person costs us as taxpayers about 80 to 100 thousand a year - they live in cells that are carpeted with tv's and stereoes - they make money doing crafts and selling them as well as getting paid for the work they do inside - they get 3 square meals a day - they get recreational time and ... See Moreconjugal visits - they are not suffering - now for those that are in for various crimes, ok - but for those convicted of murder, rape, terrorism, child molestation, and such, the fact they are giving them a nice life, bugs the shit out of them - and most of them should be put to death for what they did and so they can never do it again. Killing a police person, guard, or security type person should be an automatic dealth penalty as it shows no respect for law and our society - if someone is in prison for life and there is no dealth penalty - what is to stop them from killing again and again inside the walls - nothing would change...
11 minutes ago ·

Rob MacArthur
These inmates have all the rights that we do - they can even get their schooling paid for - what is the real deterent for going to jail now - it's amost an incentive - homeless, broke, commit a crime - go to jail and get housing food, money and an education - how would that tell people not to commit a crime? - Keep them safe, fed, and healthy, but the rest seems like an overkill - and definitely for the terrorists, murderers, rapists, and child molesters...
about a minute ago ·

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What's Making Me Sick In Canada

What's making me sick in Canada.

I love my country, but it's certainly not the Canada I was born into.

Is this bothering anyone else besides me?

I'm sick of Canada being the gateway for Terrorists into the United States.

I'm sick of the fact that immigrants get more government funding then our senior citizens.

I'm sick of the fact kids can't where shirts that say "Merry Christmas" to school.

I'm sick of people that commit murder getting off with any other prison sentence then life.. and life should be life!

I'm sick of the fact that there is no respect for our police, prison guards, and other security forces - if you kill one while they are performing their duty and you are commiting a crime, you should be put to death.

I'm sick of federal elections where the two criteria of being 18 years old and a Canadian Citizen are not being followed.

I'm sick of the fact that attempted terrorism is viewed different then terrorism. They should be both treated and sentenced the same way - and the sentence should be death.

I'm sick of young offenders not being treated and tried as adults in violent crims.

What are you sick of?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tonight - Ajax, ON - Karaoke @ Rovers Rest - 282 Monarch Av 10pm Country Night come out dressed like & sing ur fav country stars songs & win
Be sure to listen to the Daily Dose of Reality Show at 1pm EST today on - conversational news at it's finest!

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...