Monday, June 15, 2009

A Little Disappointed with Tim Horton's

It was announced recently that Tim Horton's will be piloting a project with an American Ice Cream Company in Canada very soon at six stores. The project has been very successful in the Unite States. Although I think this is a great idea, I am a little disappointed with Tim Horton's. I always viewed Tim Horton's as Canada's coffee shop. A business that supported Canada. Certainly their support of our troops has been outstanding. Things at home, however, seem to be lacking.

Although working with an American company in the United States in this project is great, why are they using an American company for Canada. Surely there is a Canadian ice cream company that would have done just as good of a job.

I am not anti-American, but in these tough econmic times, everyone, including the United States, is saying for everyone to support and buy their own.

Now, instead of a Canadian ice cream company getting the chance of a life time, Time Horton's is bring another American company into Canada.

Just doesn't seem right...


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