Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Banning of Toys at Fast Food Joints

Here's another one that just makes you shake your head.

There is a movement in the United States to ban toys at fastfood joints. It is felt that it entices children to have bad eating habits. If it was successful, the happy meals and such that come with a toy would be stopped.

Come on people.. when was the last time you saw a 6 year old drive up and order a happy meal at McDonalds. It is a conscious decision of the parents as to what the child eats and when. I think the fastfood chains have done a great job with healthy alternavies. But yes, remembering as a child, and seeing my kids faces, getting a little prize was always a bonus.

But that is up to the parent of the child, and I doubt they are really enticed by the toy. They just want to make sure their child is happy and gets something to eat. Any good parent would ensure there is a balance of nutrition in their childs diet. Again, this is something that should not be government controlled.

Since this is in the United States now, I am sure it won't be long before some in Ontario starts pushing it as well. Ontario being known as a "Nanny-State."

Read the full story at:


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