Friday, June 19, 2009

The Continuing Adventures of Crossing Guard Man - Chapter 19

Still recovering from his battle with the evil "Wrong Right Turn Rebels," our hero finds himself facing another morning of Zombie Drivers. Oblivious to their surrounding, Crossing Guard Man must protect the children from these evil doers.

Accept for his regular use of his Super Stop Sign to stop the metal monsters in their tracks, the morning has an uneasy calm to it.

There was not even any signs of the evil gangs "Red Light Runners" or "Hollywood Stoppers."

When everything looked clear, our hero finds himself feeling a little low on gas. As he makes his way to his Fortress of Solitude, he turns a corner to find himself face to face with the "Gas Price Godzilla!"

Will Crossing Guard Man be able to defeat this terribie monster?

Will he be able to answer his next Crossing Guard Signal?

Do these pants make my ass look to small?

Answers to these and other questions, in our next chapter of "Crossing Guard Man!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Driver Education?

Saw something today that might explain our current problems with drivers, especially new ones.

I saw a driving school car pass by. The driver was obviously new as she was driving pretty slow.

Here's the kicker though... the "instructor" was yappiing on his cell phone! An excellent example for our new drivers, young and old!

...and these instructors get paid for the bad habits they teach!


Banning of Toys at Fast Food Joints

Here's another one that just makes you shake your head.

There is a movement in the United States to ban toys at fastfood joints. It is felt that it entices children to have bad eating habits. If it was successful, the happy meals and such that come with a toy would be stopped.

Come on people.. when was the last time you saw a 6 year old drive up and order a happy meal at McDonalds. It is a conscious decision of the parents as to what the child eats and when. I think the fastfood chains have done a great job with healthy alternavies. But yes, remembering as a child, and seeing my kids faces, getting a little prize was always a bonus.

But that is up to the parent of the child, and I doubt they are really enticed by the toy. They just want to make sure their child is happy and gets something to eat. Any good parent would ensure there is a balance of nutrition in their childs diet. Again, this is something that should not be government controlled.

Since this is in the United States now, I am sure it won't be long before some in Ontario starts pushing it as well. Ontario being known as a "Nanny-State."

Read the full story at:


Monday, June 15, 2009

Ontario and Canadian Music Industry

I have started the process of talking with the province and the federal government on the creation of guidelines and legislation that would provide guidelines and legislation for major festivals and events in Canada to utilize Canadian bands more and help develop a grass roots program. I have several ideas on these guidelines and would be interested in others viewpoint.

As a bare minimum any Canadian fair or festival that receives government grant money at any level, should have to be required to have one provincial or federal act performing for every American one. This includes provincially run casinos. American acts have not problem crossing the border to play here in Canada, while Canadian are getting turned away at the border, even with the proper documentation needed.

I am certainly not against bringing Major American acts into Canada, but use these opportunities to help give exposure to lessor known Canadian acts.

Secondly, the current radio and video airing of Canadian music is just not enough. The CANCON rules need modification to really help develop and promote Canadian acts. Many festivals and events will not hire you unless you are on the radio charts or have a video airing, and it currently way to difficult to get on Canadian TV and Radio.

I feel there should be guidelines for each province and for all of Canada on both these matters.

This is for all music genres. It won't be easy and may be a long process, but if anything comes out of it, it will be a great benefit.

If you are interested in having input or getting involved, please e-mail a message to me at


A Little Disappointed with Tim Horton's

It was announced recently that Tim Horton's will be piloting a project with an American Ice Cream Company in Canada very soon at six stores. The project has been very successful in the Unite States. Although I think this is a great idea, I am a little disappointed with Tim Horton's. I always viewed Tim Horton's as Canada's coffee shop. A business that supported Canada. Certainly their support of our troops has been outstanding. Things at home, however, seem to be lacking.

Although working with an American company in the United States in this project is great, why are they using an American company for Canada. Surely there is a Canadian ice cream company that would have done just as good of a job.

I am not anti-American, but in these tough econmic times, everyone, including the United States, is saying for everyone to support and buy their own.

Now, instead of a Canadian ice cream company getting the chance of a life time, Time Horton's is bring another American company into Canada.

Just doesn't seem right...


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Traffic Laws in Ontario?

Did I miss something? Are there new traffic laws in Ontario? There is this very strange trend I have seen as of late while doing my crossing guard work...

Apparently it is now okay to just honk when going through a red light! I have seen this way to many times over the last few months. And... we are talking red light! Not yellow turning to red.. but red before the vehicle is even at the intersection.

As the vehicle approaches the intersection, they honk their horn and keep on going! Apparently this will notify any pedestrians or traffic that has a green light that they should hold on. Unbelievable! Now there are some drivers have not picked up this habit.. they still just go through.. shame on them.

This is why even though the light is green, the walk signal is on, I have raised my stop sign, I have blown the whistle.. I still tell the kids to wait until I give them a verbal ok to cross.

I try to get the license plates to send to the police, but they are usually going to fast or I am concentrating on the kids.

Wish I could pull over vehicles and write tickets!

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...