Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mothers Day

So nice to see so many wonderful messages on Mothers Day. All the thoughts,  wishes, prayers , phone calls, to all the wonderful Moms here and who have passed.

I would like to post a special message about one type of Mom... Step Moms... Often critisized and vilified... even by Disney. This may warranted in some cases, but not in this one.

In 1998 Lorraine made the decision to commit to a relationship with a man who was a single father who had full custody of three boys aged 17, 15, and 12 and joint custody of one boy aged 7. Having two children of her own, it was a madhouse of 2 adults and six children. Taking on the responsibility of 4 boys, and quite frankly one single father,  she cared for, nurtured, and at times disciplined this new extended family. Through the tears, arguments,  and laughter she made a house a home.

Although they may never realize or appreciate it, she provided the boys with a stable home, meals, support,  and so many things that they should be thankful for. Taking them places they needed to be, caring for them when they were sick, and just being there when I wasn't. 

The boys never saw her tears of frustration or hurt that she had caused by things they said or did being boys. But i did. Despite it all though, she persevered and continues to be there today after all that time.

These boys are all grown up now with strong relationships and good jobs and are good men largely in part to Lorraine being in their life.

She continued to be a rock through my cancer and continues to be a caring mother and grandmother for all our children and grandchildren,  whether step or not, as well as makes sure I am the same.

At the time of writing this none of my boys have called Lorraine to wish her a Happy Mothers Day, and that's okay, they have their maternal moms that they stay in touch with, which they should.  Being male though, they may not yet realize the importance their step mom played in their lives, and mine. As they get older, I hope they will.

So, on behalf of my boys, Happy Mothers Day Lorraine, and thank you for what you do, have done, and will do. Especially the Disney charades...

I love you...

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