Sunday, August 29, 2021

I Am A Multipotentialite

A Multipotentialite, also known as a polymath, renaissance person, jack of all trades, generalist, scanner and puttylike, is a person with many interests, passions, skills, talents and experience.  I am a Multipotentialite.

Over the years my passions and interests had led me to have education, skill sets and experience in strategic plans, business plans, marketing plans, branding, non profits and charitable organizations,  retail, healthcare, manufacturing, mortgages, technology, finance/accounting, forex trading, cryptocurrency, mediation, private investigation, life coaching, music, stand up comedy, entertainment, event management, web sites, emceeing, lost pets, volunteering, social media, digital marketing, media and public relations and much more.

To some this may seem unfocused or wrong, but the world is realizing that these type of people have an amazing ability. I use mine to help others.  Sometimes as a paying job.  Sometimes as a volunteer or to lend a helping hand.  But the ultimate goal and usual result is that I do help.

If you got a problem, I don't care what it is... I can help! If I can't help, I know someone who can!

There is nothing I can't do... There is nothing I can't learn.

Send me a private message if you would like to see if I can help you!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Ideas for Legions to Raise Funds

While mowing the lawn today I had a thought... well... I have lots of thoughts... but this is one I can share. Legions that are looking to raise funds should think about a few possible events. The first would be Tribute Talent Challenge. Singers would enter as their favourite artist... dead or alive... and dress, act and sing a song of theirs. Their would be a prize for each winner where there was at least two people competing. Elvis... Neil Diamond... Patsy Cline... Johnny Cash.... whomever. There could also be an overall winner for all those competing. Judging could be based on singing, stage presence, overall entertainment value, etc. Include a karaoke screen if you want.. because who cares... its about entertainment and raising funds. Some will use it... some won’t. Make it an event where you charge a fee to enter, as well as admission to watch the event. Have prices for Legion members and non-Legion members. Use the entry fee for the prize money. Would really not be that hard to do and it's just a little bit different then regular Karaoke. Over the years I have used Karaoke as a basis for various entertainment events... The Ajax Legion Karaoke League... Ajax Legion Karaoke Idol... World Karaoke Challenge Federation... Battle of the Sexes... Survivor Karaoke... to name a few... The second is an open mic. Let those that want to come in and do a standup comedy routine. Same concept really. Charge an entry fee and admission fee. It would be a different type of entertainment. You could expand on this and make it a variety show night... any entertainment allowed to enter. Yes I could do the sound and coordination on any of the above, but you may have your favourite entertainer that you would like to support. Just make sure you let me know you are having the event so I can share the info... and maybe enter! Stay well... Rob MacArthur The Multipotentialite #legion #rotary

Respect the Entertainer

 For over twenty years now I have been involved in either entertaining, or coordinating the entertainment, for events around Ontario. A trend I did not like back at the start seems to be getting worse. Entertainers are still constantly being asked to provide their services free for fundraising events.

Although these events and their causes can be very worthwhile, I feel it is an insult and lack of respect to the entertainers. These entertainers such as bands, musicians, solo artist, duets, buskers, magicians, dj’s, and karaoke hosts have spent a lot of time and/or money to become an entertainer. They have everyday living expenses just like everyone else. It seems strange that we ask someone to work for free to help support someone else financially.

When I started coordinating entertainment and production for events, I made it very clear that I would not be involved if they were looking for free entertainment. I would only be involved if there was some sort of budget to pay the entertainers for their time and effort, even if it was just an honourarium to help cover expenses. Most of the time I would coordinate the entertainment, stage and production, even emcee, for free. But, if they wanted us to perform, there would have to be some sort of pay being received. In addition, I usually end up helping with social media, digital marketing, and media and public relations as a bonus.

We have a good rule of thumb when trying to decide to donate our services. If absolutely no company, person, or service is getting paid for their work, product or service at the event, then we would consider doing it for free as well.

Some entertainers will donate their pay back, as we have done in the past. But, that is their decision, not the events. For some entertainers what they do is their full time job. For others it is a side job. Certainly there is an element of passion in what they do, but for most, especially in these times, they need the money to survive. I doubt anyone that has a regular full time job would donate their time or pay cheque to the business they work for, so why are entertainers asked to do it so often?

I do understand that for the organizations holding the events to raise awareness or funds, that budgets can be a challenge as well. Decide on what you can afford and put it out there. At least you are making an offer and the entertainers themselves can make the decision to accept that offer or not. Alternatively, look for sponsors to cover entertainment costs and co-brand them with the entertainment. Many organizations have successfully done this to help cover the costs of entertainment, stage and sound.

In summary, make the effort to offer something for entertainment to show that you respect them and their craft.

If anyone is looking for a duet, full band, DJ, karaoke host, or entertainment coordinator, give me a call. Besides what I do, I have a list a mile long of entertainers.

Rob MacArthur
A Multipotentialite

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...