Monday, November 26, 2018

My Journey with Cancer

Been a while since I did a personal blog post... I guess this is the time.

Being 57 years old I figured it was time to get a colonoscopy.  There were no issues, it is just recommended for anyone over 50.

On October 2nd, 2018 I had a colonoscopy at the Northumberland Hospital.

When I awoke from the procedure, the doctor that performed the procedure came up to and said they had found a tumor.  It was quite a shock.  While they had me there they sent me for a CT Scan and did blood work.  My wife was picking me up so I called her to come in so we could talk to the doctor.

We learned that it was a stage 3 rectal tumour.  They did not know at the time if it was malignant or benign.  The thoughts that go through your head... It was not a happy time, with more bad news to come.  That night my wife and I held each other and were in tears.  The unknown and not knowing was the worst feeling I have ever had.

To be continued...

I will be updating this blog as I get time.  Check back from time to time if you would like to...

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