Friday, May 13, 2011

Body Checking in Minor Hockey

Recently it was reported that the Ontario Hockey Foundation has decided to remove all body checking in all minor hockey in Ontario, Canada.

I think this is a big mistake.

Having been someone that started playing organized at 6 years old, I had to start off playing kids that were as old as 9.  Body checking was allowed so I had to learn how to give and take it or probably have a hard time   Coaches back then spent a lot of time showing you how to check, how to take a check, and how to protect yourself from being checked or hurt.  I'm pretty sure they still do.

But now, for house league and select leagues of all ages, this will not be allowed, so it won't probably be taught.  This will be a big mistake.  Even with no checking, situation will arise where contact will happen, and if kids don't know how to go into the board or corners and such, they will get hurt.

Also, we are weaking the skills of our hockey players in Canada.  Players will not be taught an essential skill until they somehow get out of house league.

They don't have much chance of making rep teams either at any time in their career.  If they are late bloomers at stick handling and skating, even if they develop those skills well, they will be really lacking due to no body checking experience.

Chances for house league players making the major junior, semi pro, and pro leagues are pretty slim as well.  You are basically making that you HAVE to play rep to make it.  If you are a player that has the talent, but the family that does not have the money for rep, you are screwed.

Hockey is, was, and always should be a contact sport.  It's a real shame and we will suffer our status as a leader in years to come.  I wonder what Don Cherry would say?


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