Monday, September 28, 2009

Bill C-428 - Amendment to Change Old Age Pension Residency Requirements

In June 2009 a Private Members’ Bill to amend the Old Age Security Act was put forward. If this bill became law it would essentially reduce the residency requirement for entitlement to a monthly pension from ten years to three.

Currently, In order to qualify for OAS, there is a 10 year residency requirement after the age of 18. If this is met, eligible Canadians can start receiving benefits at age 65.

At a cost of over $700 million, this proposal is costly and irresponsible and would be paid for by Canadian taxpayers.

It is reasonable to expect that a person should be required to live in Canada for a minimum period of time before being granted the right to a lifelong public benefit.

I have been paying into an Old Age Pension for 30 years now. I have also heard over those years how there may not be enough money in the fund for me to even get a pension when I retire.

So why in the world would we increase the load on that pension for people who just came to Canada, making our chances of getting a pension even worse. Personally I would like to see the residency rule be changed to a rule that you have to be a Canadian Citizen for 25 years to receive an Old Age Pension, not just a resident, but that would be hoping for to much.

Do your part to protect you and your children's pensions, contact your politicians and House of Commons members and let them know that you do not want this change.

For more information on Private Members Bills in the House of Commons or to follow Bill C-428 please visit:

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