Monday, November 1, 2021

Why Press Releases Are More Important Than Ever

Why Press Releases Are More Important Than Ever

Press releases have changed a lot over the years, especially since businesses have realized the importance of online marketing. But to use a press release effectively, there are some strategies. Here are some of the main reasons press releases have become so important:
Announcing a new product or service. If you want to announce a new product or service, you can draft a press release and immediately get your news found on all major search engines and social media networks by using a press release distribution service. This also enables you to target thousands of journalists.
Improving brand image. Because it has become so easy to publish and distribute a press release, companies can easily send out as many press releases as they want. Publishing more press releases more often is a good way to improve your brand's image.
Images help drive interest. Press releases now include images, videos and other multimedia, which means you can convey your message and news stories in more interesting ways than ever before.
Instant world-wide distribution. Before online press releases had became common, most press releases were sent only to journalists. If not deemed worthy of press mention, they lived in a binder, on someone's desk or in a building lobby. Now a press release can be distributed to millions of people around the world instantly through email and social media.
Expanding public knowledge. By adding links to other Web pages within a press release, companies can direct readers to even more information about what they do.
Viral possibilities. An online press release can go viral if people start sharing it over social media networks, thereby creating a buzz that was never possible with traditional press releases.
Portability and convenience. People can read a press release anywhere on the Web or on their smartphones.
Search engine optimization. By using specific keywords relating to your business, you can optimize your press release so people can easily access your company information through search engine use.
If you would like to learn more, send me a message!

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