Monday, April 29, 2013

I Am A Visible Minority

That's right... I said it... I am a visible minority... For those that know me or have seen my picture you may wonder why I would make such a statement.  For those that do and don't know me... read on...

I am a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Straight Happy Healthy Sane Monogamous Canadian Born Male...  You can't get much of a bigger minority then that.

There are no special schools... grants... loans... mortgages... help... opportunities... government or corporate hiring guidelines or assistance... new to the country assistance... front of the line immigration rules  for me... I miss them all.  Anything I get... I have to work harder then anybody else out there to get them.  If I complain... I get called racist... or politically incorrect... or something like that.  I none of those... Well... I'm not racist(that's another blog)... but I am somewhat politically incorrect.  Being politically correct means not fighting for your beliefs... speaking your mind.. or trying to right wrongs... and that is definitely not me.  Actually... I am totally politically incorrect.

Also...  I can now add being over 50 years old to the list....  another nail and the coffin of help and opportunity.

Oh sure... there are others like me...  They just trek on and shake their head at what their government are doing, and, what others are let being done.

The only way this country of ours is going to be saved is if this group, and we will add females to it, will get together and form their own political party to challenge the current ones.  The current major political parties are watered down and have sold their souls to anyone that would give them a vote.  Our heritage and our freedoms of what we once had are gone.  The only we we are going to get them back, if we even can, is to fight for them... speak our minds.. get others involved.. and become politically incorrect.  Otherwise, we might as well join the Apathy Party of Canada(  

So how about it... you in?  Other minorities welcome... 

For now though... next time you are filling in a job application and they have a check box that asks if you are a visible minority... check it.

Talk soon... R.

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...