Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ontario Liberal $10,000 Tax Credit for New Immigrants -

The Ontario Liberal Party wants to offer a $10,000 tax credit to businesses that hire new immigrants to Canada.  This is a slap in the face to generations of Canadians.  I am not against immigration, although I believe we are to lax in some of our rules.  We talk about equality and fairness, but this is completely  unfair and bias.  Make the tax credit available to any business that hires any Canadian... skilled or unskilled.  This is just an election ploy to get immigrants to vote Liberal.  Although I voted Liberal the last provincial election, I will not be voting liberal this time.

For the record, you are supposed to be a Canadian Citizen to vote in elections, many are not.  I have worked both provincial and federal elections, and many people who are not Canadian citizens have gotten cards to vote. How can this be?

Before any immigrant gets any benefit from our system, country, province, muncipality, they should have to become a Canadian citizen.. it's not that hard.. it's a lot harder in the United States or Austrailia... which is where we may want to consider moving to if this keeps up.... if we can get in...

Let's make tax credits that hire people available to all Canadians... not just new ones... especially ones that are not Canadian citizens yet...


The Story of Three Men and Their Babies

The Story of Three Men and Their Babies - A Non-Fictional Short Story By Rob MacArthur The recent passing of Scott Crawford and Bruce Hyde h...